Stones on the beach

When you are on the beach the sea is constantly shifting the stones. I’ve been back to beaches on Anglesey where I used to go as a child 30 years ago. I’ve always believed that…

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Make me smile

I’m reflecting on what made me smile this week. Getting a note from a friend calling himself “right tardy” for taking so long to reply to me. As I read it I could hear him…

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First Impressions

Recently I was away in London for a meeting with some potential new clients.  They are a global organisation and I had just 4 minutes to pitch what I had to offer.  Itss daunting prospect. …

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A friend sent me a copy of her latest artwork this evening.  Wow!! What a brilliantly vibrant piece. At the end of a busy week it reminded me that one of the important reasons for…

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Girls having fun

On the train last week I encountered a group of women heading to Edinburgh.  They were “girls on tour” with sequinned red dragon T shirts and selected refreshments.  They had ended up in the “quiet…

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Proud to be Australian

There is data that shows  the difference between the minimum temperature in the UK and the maximum temperature in Sydney is over 60 degrees.  That’s an amazing fact.  Australians were interviewed about this and asked…

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Be like a child for a while

I had friends staying recently and it was great fun. We stayed up late chatting, retelling old stories and sorting out the world. The following day we walked in the woods, kicking up piles of…

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Whats your passion?

Recently I was with a friend who is a Liverpool fan. They were playing a game. Every now and again his phone would go off, telling him they had scored. He apologised. “You don’t mind…

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Being superwoman

I was working with some senior women in the Midlands recently. It was the end of our programme and we were taking some feedback. One woman said that she had been a bit anxious about…

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What’s your attitude?

This week I’ve been picking up some training for people who are unable to deliver. As I was checking into my hotel I explained the reasons for my trip. The receptionist “So you got the…

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