Women’s Development
Support for all the women in your organisation
It’s not just about ticking a box – the gender gaps still exist. Can you promote women from within your company? How many have the confidence and vision to achieve more? Bringing groups of women together for training creates a remarkably safe and supportive space where they can truly develop, leading to more women fulfilling their potential.

Women’s Development Programmes
Take control of your life, become more assertive and resilient, build your emotional intelligence, and increase your confidence and positive attitude both at work and at home.
Undergraduate and post-graduate women find their place in the world, aim high and learn from inspiring role models. Supported by The Female Lead. www.thefemalelead.com.
Spring Forward
Become a confident leader by defining, communicating and enacting your vision, controlling stress and managing your personal brand. Set leadership goals and create strong followers.
Development Plus
Build confidence, positivity and resilient thinking as a woman approaching or at the top of the career ladder, enhance emotional intelligence and network strategically.
Helps women to be more themselves in any situation, ask for what they need and gain greater respect and autonomy whilst reducing stress and frustration.
Are you ready for success?
As a Diversity or Inclusion Manager or HR/L&D professional you already know that development will make a difference for the women in your workplace and impact the bottom line. I want to work with you to bring that valuable development to those who will benefit most and achieve better gender representation at all levels. Contact me now to start to change the culture. sue.hewitt@develomenta.co.uk or +44 (0) 7977 072 760.