What makes you proud?

Sarah’s Law law allows parents to know if a paedophile is in the area. Shy Keenan and Sara Payne won Women of the Year in 2008 for their campaigning to get it onto the statute books, after Sarah Payne, Sara’s 8 year old daughter, was abducted and killed in 2000 by a known paedophile.

In her acceptance speech Sara said. “Do one thing every day that makes you proud and little by little we can change the world”. It’s a great maxim to live by. Do one thing every day to make you proud. How many of us live lives of mediocrity? We tread water through life, just getting by. We do the minimum required to get through. We cut corners and do a half baked job.

Does living like that every day make you proud? I don’t think so. How different would things be if you did them in a way that made you proud? What would that be like? How much better would your life be? How much better would life be for your family and friends? How much happier would you be?

What did you do today that made you proud? What will life be like tomorrow with that feeling? What will you do tomorrow that will make you proud?


  1. Bihter says:

    Hi Sue,
    Just wanted to say that I’ve started reading your blog. I’m wondering if you have heard about the book, “What Men Don’t Tell Women About Business”. I heard the guy (Chris Flett) on the Today Show and thought you probably have already heard of him. I’m wondering what your thoughts were. He seems to be really taking on the ‘Old Boys Club”. I just emailed him, but haven’t heard back.
    Anyway, keep up the great writing.

  2. Bihter says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’ve been doing some additional research on the author, Chris Flett, that I talked about on my last comment. His company is “GhostCEO” (www.GhostCEO.com) and his book is a bestseller. I found it on Amazon here. Anyway, he was in the NY Times last Sunday under the “Career Couch” and he makes reference to women’s blogs like yours so I thought you might like to connect. I’d like to see you interview him and see what he’s all about. I saw on another blog he was a guest blogger. His email is: chris@ghostceo.com
    Best wishes,

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